Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Tim Love on Top Chef

For those of you Bravo fans, did you see Chef Love tonight?

Tim Love, Iron Chef and owner of our very own Lonesome Dove, represented Fort Worth well this evening on Top Chef Masters. He made a strawberry dessert three ways for some girl scouts and lost points because he didn't make a bunny or mouse. Apparently it was a craft contest and not a cooking show. He made a chicken fried strawberry, chocolate covered strawberry, and a strawberry milkshake. Are we going to see the chicken fried strawberry at Lonesome Dove or Love Shack?

For the second contest, the chefs had to use a microwave and hot plate to make their meal. Chef Love made some amazing on-the-fly changes when it turned out they didn't have the ingredients he needed at Whole Foods (more like, Incomplete Foods). But, he fell just short of moving on.

Chef Love, you represented us well. I think the judges were blinded by the frenchness of your competition. Also, the Tuaca chef's jacket is sweet.


  1. No-- Thanks for the heads up! We are watching the last 45 minutes of the replay and I am going to DVR the 11 o'clock showing.

  2. good god, that man will do anything for pr. whatever happened to restaurateurs that focused on their restaurant, and not on trying to land a tv show?

  3. You forgot to mention that he put all his stuff in the freezer over night to find it all frozen solid just before the big cook off in the dorm room. How he could not tell that was a freezer just because there was no ice in it is beyond me. I get a pretty cold blast out of my freezer when I open the door. Plus he has a pretty foul mouth. He was getting bleeped right and left.

  4. That's probably a good point Ann, but those big freezers look just like refrigerators so maybe he didn't notice the difference. Or maybe he was drunk. Either way, the judges said he rebounded well.

    Its a shame we don't have a local favorite to cheer on.

  5. Many professional reach in coolers and freezers look exactly the same, and if there's nothing in it, anyone can make that unfortunate mistake.

    I do have to say, that I was impressed with what he accomplished with the accidentally-frozen fresh produce. If I remember correctly, he came in a very close second in that portion of the contest, with professional food critics as judges.

    I, too, am curious to try a chicken fried strawberry.

  6. Top Chef on Bravo is one of my favorites. It took me awhile to warm up to Top Chef Masters. I watched the first episode, the one with Tim Love, and did not start watching again til it was down. Tim Love is the only one of the Master Chefs who's food I have tasted. thank you for shearing your post.

  7. Tim Love is a joke. I used to work for the guy. He's not very talented, he's just in the right place at the right time.
