Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Stir Crazy Baked Goods

Hello, competition!  Artisan Baking Company and the Black Rooster Bakery are about to get a new bakery competing for the Fort Worth market.  Currently, Stir Crazy Baked Goods are available at Avoca Coffee, but that's all about to change.  According to the Fort Worth Business Press the company is opening up a storefront in the old Sawyer Grocery building at South Main and Daggett.  The store should open around October.  Good news for those of you that enjoy baked goods.  And for you vegans, they'll have some veal-less pastries for you.

Stir Crazy Baked Goods - Fort Worth Bakery - Cupcakes - Cakes


  1. Very good news, as I've been over-the-moon about their tiny little, deceptively humble-looking cinnamon muffins(?) cake thingies(?) no idea what they are called, but they always run out first at Avoca. They are amazing.

  2. Oh, Emily - I think the cinnamon muffins/rolls you're thinking of are from Artisan. They're DELICIOUS! But ours are the whole cakes :) Enjoy!

  3. Awkward....

    Robbie, are you with Stir Crazy? Any other news people might want to know about?

    Thanks for posting.

  4. Yes! I'm the baker and part-owner (the other 3 owners are part of the family). I think in the FW Business Press article the author wrote that we're offering our muffins at Avoca Coffee. But she was a bit mixed up as well, so not to worry. We're actually taking our cakes there, which is quite the honor.
    We're shooting for the fall to open our storefront, and in the meantime are filling custom orders. We're also at Elizabeth Anna's Old World Garden on the 2nd Saturday of each month, at Rahr & Sons Brewery on occasion. If anyone is interested in keeping up with us, check out our website and our facebook page!
    How's that for a plug? Thanks for allowing me to go on and on :)

  5. Oh wow - I never knew there was a reply! So please forgive my ages-late response. And (blush) sorry about the mistaken cake identity! This just means I have an excuse to try a piece of bonifide Stir Crazy cake - yay for me! Thanks for straightening me out. :)
